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Weave - FWO as Partner Agency

In collaboration with several European funders Weave supports researchers in Flanders to set up complete bi- or trilateral research projects with their European counterparts.



Weave is a bottom-up cross-European initiative developed by European research funders – and embedded in Science Europe – to support excellent European collaborative research projects across national and regional borders. Based on the Lead Agency Principle, Weave aims to simplify the submission and selection procedure of collaborative project proposals: a European team of researchers from two to three European countries or regions that have signed the Weave initiative, submits their joint project proposal to only one research funder (Lead Agency) who is responsible for the entire administrative procedure and scientific evaluation. Each research funder involved is as such responsible for the payment of its own researchers (i.e. researchers eligible for funding from this research funder). Since Weave will enable bilateral as well as trilateral scientific cooperation within Europe, it will contribute to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA).

More details on the research funders that joined the Weave initiative as well as the aim, procedures, … can be found on this Weave website. The Weave initiative will be rolled out progressively over the coming years with a possible official accession of new Weave research funders. The eligible collaboration combinations are as such a dynamic fact.

Submission of a joint project proposal at another research funder than the FWO (FWO as Partner Agency)

In the framework of the Weave initiative, the FWO has a bilateral agreement with the following countries:

In practice this means that researchers eligible at the FWO can submit together with their non-Flemish/foreign partner (eligible at one of the aforementioned research funders) a bilateral research project to the research funder for which the non-Flemish/foreign partner is eligible. This research funder will act as the Lead Agency and as such be responsible for the entire administrative procedure and scientific evaluation.

Furthermore, where desired, it is possible to extend the project to a trilateral project because all of the aforementioned research funders have concluded bilateral agreements as well with other Weave partners. This paves the way for these trilateral projects (combinations).


In 2024/2025 the FWO and the Domain Science (ENW) of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) launch a pilot based on the Weave principles. Bilateral Flemish-Dutch projects within the scope of the Domain Science (ENW), with a project duration of max. 4 years, can be submitted to NWO as Lead between 1st of December 2024 and 28th of February 2025. Submission to the FWO as Lead is possible from the call with deadline 1st of April 2025 onwards, see the webpage Weave – FWO as Lead Agency. It is important to know that the FWO-NWO pilot call has specific conditions so make sure to carefully read this document before starting your application.

A specific online FWO-NWO info session will take place on Friday 14th of February 2025 at 14.30. You can register via this link.

Important dates

  • Timeline when FWO as Partner Agency: the Lead Agency’s procedure and timing apply.
  • Although some research funders with whom the FWO has a bilateral agreement in principle have a system of continuous submission, ‘cut off’ dates apply to Weave projects in which a Flemish partner is involved:
      • Austria FWF: Call currently open (FWF deadline: 1 April 2025) 
      • French-speaking Community of Belgium F.R.S.-FNRS: Call closed (launch in principle foreseen in May 2025 with FNRS deadline beginning of July 2025)
      • Germany DFG: Call currently open (DFG deadline: 1 April 2025)
      • Luxembourg FNR: Call currently open (FNR deadline: 10 April 2025)
      • NEW! Netherlands NWO (pilot call): Call currently open, submission possible at NWO between 1st of December 2024 and 28th of February 2025
      • Poland NCN: Call closed (launch in principle foreseen mid-September 2025 with NCN deadline mid-December 2025)
      • Slovenia ARIS: Call closed (launch in principle foreseen Autumn 2025 with ARIS deadline beginning of 2026)
      • Sweden Formas: Call closed (launch in principle foreseen in Autumn 2025)
      • Switzerland SNSF: Call currently open (SNSF deadline: 1 April 2025) (the 1st of October 2025 deadline at SNSF is not open for Swiss-Flemish projects)
  • 1st of January 2026: start of projects on the Flemish side (regardless of the Lead Agency)
    • Please be aware: Projects submitted within a call with deadline in Autumn 2025 or beginning of 2026 (i.e. Formas Sweden, NCN Poland, NWO The Netherlands (Domain Science), ARIS Slovenia as Lead Agency)  will be evaluated in 2026 and, when successful, will start at Flemish side on 1st of January 2027. As a consequence, this type of projects are taken into account for the maximum of:
      • one research project fundamental research for which you can act as (co-)supervisor(-spokesperson) in application round 2026;
      • two research projects fundamental research that you can have registered in your name as (co-)supervisor(-spokesperson) on 01/01/2027.


Weave is not a new, separate funding programme. It makes use of existing funding channels for fundamental research (with the corresponding timelines and conditions) of the Lead Agency.

Further information about these programmes for the research funders with whom the FWO has signed a bilateral agreement, can be found on the following websites:

The aforementioned information is a crucial part of the eligibility check at Swedish side. Therefore Swedish researchers (and the Swedish part of the joint Weave proposal) must adhere to the restrictions within Formas’ areas of responsibility. Find out more about the focus areas of Formas.

More information about the timeline, conditions, procedure... of each of these research funders can also be found on this Weave website.

  • Project duration: as a rule, projects have the same duration both on the Flemish side and on the non-Flemish/foreign side, and the project duration rules of the Lead Agency apply:
    • If DFG Germany or ARIS Slovenia is the Lead Agency, the project duration on the Flemish side is also max. 3 years.
    • If FNR Luxembourg is the Lead Agency, the regulations of the FNR’s CORE programme need to be followed: the Flemish side can then in principle also request a maximum project duration of 3 years. Only when the Luxembourg side makes use of the option to additionally request a PhD student in the 4th year, Flemish applicants can also request budget from the FWO for the 4th year. This extra budget for a 4th year from FWO is however limited to PhD related costs (staff costs and bench fee) and also needs to be scientifically motivated (!).
    • When Swedish researchers are involved (through research funder/Partner Agency Formas), the project duration at Swedish side is always fixed at 4 years (shorter project duration not possible). However, this project duration is not by default applicable to the other partners involved.
    • An overview of the (maximum) Weave project durations can be found here.
  • FWO staff and consumables: at least € 50,000 per year for the entire project (all Flemish, federal and non-Flemish institutions included) and at most € 145,000 per year per Flemish/federal institution.
  • FWO equipment: maximum € 150,000 per project (all Flemish and federal institutions included).

Profile and conditions

The modalities (e.g. budget) and eligibility criteria of the Flemish part follow the regulations of the junior/senior projects for fundamental research. This means among other things:

  • Institutions involved (Article 7) and (co-)supervisor(s) (Article 10-12) involved have to comply with the conditions as described in the regulations for junior/senior projects for fundamental research. Within a Weave project it is however not possible to include a non-Flemish institution other than the foreign Weave partner(s) involved for up to 10% of the total project funding.
  • Regardless of the fact whether the FWO is Lead or Partner Agency, from all calls launched from January 2025 onwards, Weave projects (including those with the Netherlands NWO) are always taken into account for the maximum of one research project fundamental research per application round for which you can act as (co-)supervisor(-spokesperson). Weave projects are also taken into account for the rule stating that the total of requested and ongoing fundamental research projects on behalf of a single (co-)supervisor(-spokesperson) may not exceed two. The date on which a newly awarded research project fundamental research (including Weave) would normally start, is used as reference date to calculate this total. This means that there can be only one ongoing research project on the date that your new research project will start. When there are already two ongoing research projects, one must end on the 31st of December of the year that the application was submitted.
  • The same Weave project may only be submitted once within the same budget year. The parallel submission of the same Weave project at several research funders where the research partner(s) involved is (are) eligible, is therefore not allowed.
  • Applicants agree with the Research Integrity Clause.


The application needs to be submitted in its entirety according to the procedure (incl. deadline) in place at the relevant non-Flemish/foreign research funder (Lead Agency). Please make sure that the requested Flemish budget is clearly indicated in detail (per budget year, cost category, type, …) and scientifically justified in the application to the Lead Agency, responsible for evaluating the Flemish budget as well.

Please note: in addition to this submission,

  • The Flemish supervisor-spokesperson needs to do an obligatory administrative submission to the FWO through the E-portalusing the specific application form‘Research project WEAVE (FWO acts as Partner Agency)’no later than 7 calendar days after the deadline adopted by the non-Flemish/foreign research funder (Lead Agency) where the complete research proposal was submitted. Important: in the tab ‘project’ you must upload the complete and identical application with all attachments (not only the project description) as submitted to the Lead Agency (PDF format). Furthermore, make sure that each applicant involved at Flemish and non-Flemish sides as well as the requested Flemish budget submitted to the Lead Agency are identical to what is being submitted to the FWO in the administrative submission.
  • Each (co-)supervisor(-spokesperson) of the Flemish research teams involved, needs to have a profile on the FWO E-portal including an updated overview of their functions/careers and an updated list of publications.
  • The FWO and the research funder(s) involved check the eligibility of the application/applicants.
  • The entire evaluation will be performed by the research funder where the research proposal was submitted (Lead Agency) according to its own procedures. Positively evaluated proposals will be presented by the Lead Agency to the FWO and to any other researchers involved for ratification.
  • The boards of trustees of all research funders involved do the final ratification. The FWO will pay for the Flemish part of positively evaluated proposals proposed by the Lead Agency.


For any further questions regarding Weave, please send an email to

For technical (IT) problems regarding the FWO E-portal, you can contact