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Special bench fee from the Fund Suzanne Duchesne

The King Baudouin Foundation is an actor for change and innovation, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion in Belgium and Europe.

One of the Foundation’s activity areas is health. The King Baudouin Foundation manages a.o. funds supporting research in oncology, allowing to finance young and promising researchers in oncology, in the form of special additional  bench fees to a number of FWO postdoctoral fellowships (junior and senior).

The special bench fee is available exclusively for FWO postdoctoral fellows, active in cancer research. The special bench fee is fixed and allocated at the start of the fellowship, and valid for the length (3 years) of the fellowship, additional to the regular bench fee (€4,000 to €10,000 per fellowship year). The special bench fee is subject to the regulations for FWO fellowship bench fees.

Call postdoctoral fellowships 2025

For the postdoctoral fellowships call 2025, which opens September 18, 2024 and closes December 2, 2024, the Fund Suzanne Duchesne, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation offers an amount of €123,000.

Applications for the special bench fee are integrated in the postdoc fellowship applications, submitted to the expert panel Med4 Cancer Research. Only candidates who are selected for a postdoctoral fellowship (junior or senior), and whose motivated special bench fee application has been approved, qualify for the special bench fee.

The best ranked candidate in the MED4 panel will be granted €50,000, the second €40,000 and the third €33,000.

Candidates submitting an application to the Med4 panel are asked to insert in application form, part ‘project outline’ (pdf to be uploaded) an additional paragraph motivating the use, if granted, of the special bench fee.