What happens when the FWO has approved your fellowship or research project? Here we will take you step by step through the different stages and present all essential practical and administrative information.
Selection- and evaluation criteria Scientific Research Networks
Quality of the involved research groups
International scientific level of excellence of the Flemish research group that acts as core group.
High scientific level of the other Flemish, Walloon and foreign participating research groups.
Critical mass of qualitative outstanding Flemish research groups in the research domain. If there is a noticeable absence of a Flemish group with an international reputation in relation to the activity, this should be substantiated.
Clear complementarity of the groups as regards to the activity.
Quality of the proposed network activities
Scientific relevance of the proposed network and planned interactions/activities.
Feasibility of the proposed network and its planned interactions/activities.
Inter-, multi- and transdisciplinarity of the network/activities is a positive element in the selection process.
Priority will be given to groups whereby the formation of a Scientific Research Network offers clear added value for its concerned research domain in specific and for the Flemish scientific community in general.
The necessity of this allowance for enabling and/or maintaining the collaboration relationships.
In case of a request for a prolongation of FWO support for an existing network; the need to further support the network will be assessed. Where does the approach/the added value of this new request takes if further compared to last successful submission?
Ex-post evaluation
Leading role of the Scientific Research Network in its own research domain in specific and for the Flemish scientific community in general.
Interaction between the various research groups.
Joint publications.
Jointly organised workshops, symposia, seminaries and conferences.
Exchange of researchers, scientific data and/or information.
The extent to which the Scientific Research Network served as origin for joint fellowships/projects; and international mobility/networks.