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Selection- and evaluation criteria Scientific Research Networks


  1. Quality of the involved research groups
  • International scientific level of excellence of the Flemish research group that acts as core group.
  • High scientific level of the other Flemish, Walloon and foreign participating research groups.
  • Critical mass of qualitative outstanding Flemish research groups in the research domain. If there is a noticeable absence of a Flemish group with an international reputation in relation to the activity, this should be substantiated.
  • Clear complementarity of the groups as regards to the activity.
  1. Quality of the proposed network activities
  • Scientific relevance of the proposed network and planned interactions/activities.
  • Feasibility of the proposed network and its planned interactions/activities.
  • Inter-, multi- and transdisciplinarity of the network/activities is a positive element in the selection process.
  • Priority will be given to groups whereby the formation of a Scientific Research Network offers clear added value for its concerned research domain in specific and for the Flemish scientific community in general.
  • The necessity of this allowance for enabling and/or maintaining the collaboration relationships.
  • In case of a request for a prolongation of FWO support for an existing network; the need to further support the network will be assessed. Where does the approach/the added value of this new request takes if further compared to last successful submission?

Ex-post evaluation

  • Leading role of the Scientific Research Network in its own research domain in specific and for the Flemish scientific community in general.
  • Interaction between the various research groups.
  • Joint publications.
  • Jointly organised workshops, symposia, seminaries and conferences.
  • Exchange of researchers, scientific data and/or information.
  • The extent to which the Scientific Research Network served as origin for joint fellowships/projects; and international mobility/networks.