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Cross-Domain Panel (CDP)


The board of trustees may call upon the CDP for the evaluation of applications across different domains either with or without an international dimension. These include, but are not limited to, applications involving the following funding channels:

  • Bilateral research cooperation, in the absence of a joint evaluation panel;
  • Lead Agency Procedures (LAP), where the partner organisation can also act as Lead Agency;
  • International Coordination actions;
  • Scientific Research Networks;
  • Special PhD Fellowships;
  • International mobility projects with focus on exchange of researchers;
  • Scientific prizes, if no ad hoc evaluation panel occurs;
  • Scientific reporting from the above financing channels.

For participation in ERA-NET, the Flemish members of this panel will be asked to provide prior advice.


In 2023, FWO introduced a semi-flexible panel composition for the Cross Domain Panel (CDP) in order to guarantee an optimal fit between the topics of the submitted proposals and the expertise of the CDP members. This means that the CDP is composed out of:

  • a ‘CDP Core Group’ of 8 experts who are included in each CDP meeting and;
  • a ‘CDP Expert Pool’ of 16 academics out of which 8 will be selected to be included in a particular CDP meeting, based on the applications received.

Core group

Name Institution
Biggs Michael University of Hertfordshire
Fernandes Joao C. Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira
Ferreira Afonso CNRS
Guagliardi Antonella National Research Council (Italy)
Krysko Dmitri UGent
Roseman Charles University of Illinois
Senn Myriam University of St. Gallen
Zabaniotou Anastasia Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Expert pool

Name Institution
Bonaiuto Marino Sapienza University Di Roma
Cunha Manuela Universidade do Minho,CRIA (Centre for Research in Anthropology)
De Boever Patrick UHasselt
Gendrin Mathilde Institut Pasteur de la Guyane
Ilmoniemi Risto Aalto University
Milosevic Milorad Universiteit Antwerpen
Pearl Sharronna John V. Roach Honors College-Texas Christian University
Roumenina Lubka Sorbonne Universite
Seifalian Alexander Marcus University College London
Studholm Colin University of Washington
Teunissen Herman Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) (NL)
Van den Bossche Bart KU Leuven
Van Lierde Kristiane UGent
Vale Zita Polytechnic of Porto
Walgrave Stefaan UAntwerpen
Yang Xiaohan Oak Ridge National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy