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Sciences of the Earth and Space


The scope of expert panel W&T8 encompasses fundamental research in the fields of Earth and space sciences.

Earth sciences cover the disciplines of geology, hydro(geo)logy, geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, paleontology, climatology, global environmental change, natural resources management, physical geography, geoarchaeology, and the sustainability of Earth’s resources.

Space sciences includes observational and theoretical research on cosmology, the formation and evolution of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the Milky Way, the formation and evolution of stars and stellar clusters, exoplanetary and planetary science, and meteorites, as well as solar, heliospheric, and interplanetary physics. It also includes the development of instrumentation and other tools for these areas of research.

More specifically, the following areas are included:

Earth sciences

  • Petrology, mineralogy
  • Geochemistry
  • Sedimentology, soil science, stratigraphy
  • Oceanography, marine geology
  • Hydrology, hydrogeology, environmental geology, water resource management, hydraulic engineering
  • Applied geology, economic geology
  • Physical geography, geomorphology, hydrography
  • Geophysics, geodynamics, geomagnetism, paleomagnetism, applied geophysics
  • Paleontology, Geo(micro)biology
  • Structural geology, tectonics
  • Atmospheric Sciences, meteorology
  • Climatology, climate change, climate modelling, paleoenvironment, paleoclimatology
  • Archaeometry, geoarchaeology
  • Cartography, geoinformation science
  • Sustainability of Earth's resources (water, soil & minerals)

Space sciences

  • Stellar astrophysics (interiors, atmospheres, winds, clusters, formation, and binarity)
  • Solar system science (planetary sciences, meteoritics)
  • Solar physics (Sun, heliosphere)
  • Galaxies (formation, evolution, and clusters of)
  • Cosmology
  • Galactic astronomy (Milky Way and its contents)
  • Exoplanets (detection, formation, and evolution)
  • Astronomical instrumentation
  • Astrochemistry/astrobiology
  • Multimessenger astrophysics (observational gravitational, high-energy, and particle astrophysics)
  • Time-domain astrophysics

Members fellowship panel postdoc call 2025

Name Institution
Quirrenbach Andreas Heidelberg
Adatte Thierry University of Lausanne
Bird Anna University of Hull
Conselice Christopher University of Manchester
De Lannoy Gabriëlle KU Leuven
Dudok de Wit Thierry University of Orléans
Ferreira Carla Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
Hennebelle Patrick CEA Centre d'Etudes de Saclay
Mosser Benoit Observatoire de Paris / CNRS
Perrin Guy Paris Observatory
Spracklen Dominick University of Leeds
Steinmetz Matthias Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
Vanmaercke Matthias KU Leuven
Zhu Xiaoxiang Technical University of Munich

Members fellowship panel PhD Fellowship fundamental research call 2024

Name Institution
Quirrenbach Andreas Heidelberg
Adatte Thierry University of Lausanne
Bird Anna University of Hull
Calders Kim UGent
Conselice Christopher University of Manchester
Dudok de Wit Thierry University of Orléans
Hennebelle Patrick CEA Centre d'Etudes de Saclay
Hooke Janet University of Liverpool
Mosser Benoit Observatoire de Paris / CNRS
Perrin Guy Observatoire de Paris / CNRS
Spracklen Dominick University of Leeds
Steinmetz Matthias Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
Tabari Hossein Universiteit Antwerpen / KMI
Zhu Xiaoxiang Technical University of Munich

Members project panel call 2024

Name Institution
Collins Michelle University of Surrey
Bendle James University of Birmingham
Bulik Tomasz University of Warsaw
Caraveo Patrizia University of Pava / Institutio Nazionale di Astrofisica
Claeys Philippe VUB
Davies Neil University of Cambridge
Gruber Alexander TU Wien
Keesstra Saskia University Wageningen
Kontar Eduard University of Glasgow
Korhonen Heidi Helena The Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Maccio Andrea New York University
Stein Holly Colorado State University / University of Oslo
Van Doorsselaere Tom KU Leuven
Warren Clare The Open University