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Bio-informatics, Genetics and Functional Genomics, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology


The scope of this expert panel includes basic, translational and clinical research on bio-informatics, genetics, functional genomics, developmental and stem cell biology in humans and animals.

Clinical research and innovative intervention studies (including medical devices, technologies and tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human and animal diseases) are eligible only if they address a fundamental scientific question.

In particular, the following topics are covered (not exhaustive):

  • Bioinformatics
  • Complex genetics
  • Developmental biology and -genetics
  • Functional genomics
  • Genetics: human and clinical
  • Genomics
  • Statistical genetics
  • Stem cell biology
  • Systems biology including single cell and spatial ‘omics’
  • Veterinary genetics

Members fellowship panel postdoc call 2025

Name Institution
Zeitz Christina INSERM
Babu Mohan University of Regina
Berninger Benedikt Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz,King's College London
Cleynen Isabelle KU Leuven
Cordero Francesca University of Turin
Dooley Steven Medical Faculty Mannheim at Heidelberg University
Gallipoli Paolo St Bartholomew Hospital,Barts Cancer Institute - Queen Mary University of London
Herranz Daniel Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Rutgers University
Petersen Jessica University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ray Pierre University Grenoble Alpes
Tost Jorg CEA - Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine
Volders Pieter-Jan Jessa Ziekenhuis,UHasselt

Members fellowship panel PhD Fellowship fundamental research call 2024

Name Institution
Girirajan Santhosh Pennsylvania State University
Babu Mohan University of Regina
Cleynen Isabelle KU Leuven
Cordero Francesca University of Turin
Enguita Francisco J. University of Lisbon
Gallipoli Paolo St Bartholomew Hospital /Barts Cancer Institute / Queen Mary University of London
Herranz Daniel Rutgers University
Karasik David Bar-ilan University
Petersen Jessica University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Taghon Tom UGent
Tost Jorg CEA - Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine
Zeitz Christina INSERM

Members project panel call 2024

Name Institution
Stainer Didier Max Planck
Antczak Philip University Hospital Cologne,University of Liverpool
Bertsias George University of Crete Medical School
Das Sudipto Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Demeulemeester Jonas KU Leuven, VIB
Goossens Steven UGent
Gunaratne Preethi University of Houston
Jordanova Albena Universiteit Antwerpen /VIB / Medical University of Sofia
Kooy R Frank Universiteit Antwerpen
Sanoudou Despina National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Tallquist Michelle University of Hawaii
Van Nieuwerburgh Filip UGent